There has been an email circulating around showing the pictures below stating that a giant catfish was caught but the thing is, it is not a catfish. I guess people get over excited to spread the news rather than to take their time to identify it. One of the most distinctive feature of catfishes are their barbels ('misai' or whiskers). Although there are a few species of catfish that do not have barbels, there is another way to identify them. Another feature that i think is distinctive is the position of dorsal fins. When you examine the pictures thoroughly, firstly, it doesn't have any barbels and secondly, the dorsal fin is way behind, towards the middle of the body. Just by comparing the distance between dorsal fin and gill slits, you can tell whether if it is a catfish or not. Catfishes should have their dorsal fins closer to their gill slits.

a whale shark dont live in fresh water stupid....instead they live in da salty water/ ocean so how is it a freaken whale shark?
are you stupid or what junfeng how could you possibly think that is a catfish are you blind. look online the story is obviously false
Dan's right! What I wanna know is how suprised the Chinese are cutting up an endangered species and getting away with it? How sad. The shark was only a kid.
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