Friday, December 26, 2008
Trip to farhan's and finding fishing spots
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Utik, stamp Negara East Timor
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Fish Outing December
First trip was at Tutong with Zazu, Danial, Katip and Naz... sory nda banyak gambar.. gelap gulita yo!
Kami sampai d Tutotng around 12 tgh Malam. awal2 d pantai seri kenangan...
Danial with his First Cast First Fish of the night, dpt ketambak... and for two hours.. nda lagi kami belurih lepas atu.
Sekali pindah ke tempat jeti pacah atu (refer to old posts) well.. awal2 ramai org d sana so kami mengail sebalah nya... ampir masjid dan kubur... naik bulu ku yow~
d sana danial with his first cast and first fish of the location.... and then iatah nganya kami belurih dlm masa dua jam tu....
pas tu pinda g kami... arah tempat penurunan boat ampir jambatan d tutong atu... d sana after 2 jam kali baru tah belurih... c naz kalau baik nasib nya dpt 3 ekor ikan putih tu.. tapi sayang.. mencabur balik ke air dua ekor. kesian.. dont worry everyone has experienced that before.. terutama sekali aku... haha and then aku dapat lauk putih sama utik (nda hairan)...
iatah uleh aku sama c naz ni...
Sungai Tutong?
bah bila lagi?
second trip kami ke sangkar c farhan d kampung serdang... yang ikut... aku, mawi, fadhil, zazu, farhan and danial...
I think this is the first time kami dpt ikan yang banyak dalam sekali outing... and kami telah memecah record mengail utik yang paling banyak dalam sehari... kalau di kirakan dalam 17 ekor utik kami dpt... kami bagi2 jua lah yg damit2 atu ke selungsung yang d sangkar c farhan
Top story of the day.
gambar d bawah ani tah sebagai bukti lauk kami :)
- C fadhil mengitang (menangkap ikan kitang menggunakan kirikan berjampi) and dapat dlm 8 ekor kitang (sory kalau salah.. nda ku mengira bui... sakit sudah hati ku dpt utik nganya)
- c mawi dpt ketambak dlm 4-5 ekor and 3 ekor kurapu
- zazu dapat 2 ikan putih
- aku dapat dua ekor ketambak sama satu ikan nda ku tahu apa namanya yang penting basar lah (mau lagi tu..)
- Danial dapat seekor kurapu saja
- Farhan dapat utik saja... sama plastic sampah.... kesian...
morale of the day - jangan mengail malam... palui tu and nda berbaloi!
Friday, December 5, 2008
team Utik Anglers
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Search For Utik at Tutong: 2nd Episode [18-11-2008]
If i have to make a report it'll be like this! sorry for the late update guys.
The crew: Dan, Zazu & Naz (newbie!).
Time of Angling: Midnight til Dawn
Weather: Cold, Minor rain
Water temperature: Moderate, not too cold.
Water current: Extremely strong by 4am onwards
- 1st spot - Kuala Tutong [12am - 2.30am]
- 2nd spot - Danau [3am - 6am]
- Kuala Tutong - Langut [2am]
- Danau - Utik [6am]
Just another nice trip to Tutong, thanks to Zazu and Naz for bringing me along with you guys. It was a good one, i can say it was a successful one in terms of catching our target species. Didn't took that long for our bells to ring after the first casts, though it wasn't a 'first cast-first catch' hehe but that was good enough to tell us the fishes' presence for the night. Zazu encountered a feisty one but it got away at the 1st spot, daym~~ bro. I'm sure that must've been a big fish! though that got away, he caught a lil baby langut, a bit bigger than an average index finger. Badan damit tapi temakan jua udang basar bah~ hehe.
Conditions changed by 1.30am, it was cold and foggy ( fog and mist - vapor condensed to fine particles of water suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud only in being near the ground - - we were wondering what was the difference between a fog and a mist, so i'm just adding it cause i didn't know that too!).
Moved to Danau by 2.30am and reached there by 3am. The current was Ok for the first 20 minutes then it got insanely strong til a huge log hit the jetty we were on, thank God it was a strong cemented jetty, if not, die lah~~ :s I tend to get really frustrated because my bait kept on bitten off but no catch at all, I have a feeling it was the work of crabs all the time. The strong current wasn't helping either because it limits our casting area to only one side of the jetty where the water flows away.
So i stuffed 2 heavy sinkers and threw at the other side from where the water current was coming. The sinkers was heavy enough that it wasn't affected by the strong current. I casted a few dozen times til we almost call it a day and there yea go, I caught an Utik!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fishing outing with Danny
Yeap... for the first time this month, i went out fishing... just with danny... kami dua saja... razid nda jadi takut ujan...
well awal2 plan kan d pusat kesenian. p ramai org.. so pindah ke Sungai Matan...
awal2 mcm baik nasib... baru skali cast, ada tia ku belurih lauk... huhuhuhh
tapi badung saja.. bukan lauk mahal.. haha jadi tah.. asal bukan utik....
tapinya kan.....
sebatah2 kami sana atu......
iatah nganya uleh kami tu... kwang kwang kwang... haha bah nanti lagi mengail
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Baby Whale Shark Mistaken for a Giant Catfish in China
There has been an email circulating around showing the pictures below stating that a giant catfish was caught but the thing is, it is not a catfish. I guess people get over excited to spread the news rather than to take their time to identify it. One of the most distinctive feature of catfishes are their barbels ('misai' or whiskers). Although there are a few species of catfish that do not have barbels, there is another way to identify them. Another feature that i think is distinctive is the position of dorsal fins. When you examine the pictures thoroughly, firstly, it doesn't have any barbels and secondly, the dorsal fin is way behind, towards the middle of the body. Just by comparing the distance between dorsal fin and gill slits, you can tell whether if it is a catfish or not. Catfishes should have their dorsal fins closer to their gill slits.

Friday, October 3, 2008
Catfishing with wacky baits
Since this site highlights catfish, so i think it would be a good idea to do research on them and share it with everyone. I’ve found an interesting article on baits used to catch catfish.
- BABY CHICKS (freshly dead) - don't be mad, i know its unethical but it was used more than 60 years ago according to the article. I don't recommend this but it is Wacky! (crazy)
- SOAP - yes, sabun untuk mandi.
- SCENT BAIT - such as asafetida, a type of stink/scented bait derived from a herbaceous plant. used as spice. i think the previous post mentioned by Zazu, about using belacan and flour falls under this category of bait type.
- FRUIT BAITS - such as muscadines, mulberries, haw fruits, acorns and hickory nuts. note that the article is from US so the fruits here ain't the same. maybe we should try durians and see if we can catch a catfish.
- CATFISH itself - 3" to 6" long without the barbels, spine and dorsal fin/s (bleeding)
- GROCERY STORE BAIT - e.g. minced meat, frozen shrimps, cheese, beef/ chicken sausage, bread and bacon.
- ROAD KILL! - anything road killed
- WD-40 - yes, the spray contains shark liver oil. Spray your bait and increase your luck!
- BUBBLE GUM - no comment LoL
NO BAIT at all! Believe it or not, for more information, here's the link of the article that I referred to
learn as we go
i learn things everywhere i go. most definitely if it concerns on fishing. it helps me a lot to understand new techniques and methods to be an efficient angler. i learned a couple of techniques already.
that you can use a piece of plastic as bait.
that you can use belacan covered with flour as bait.
i am yet to try it. some people say it works.
all this depends though on which new knowledges that are truly useful or sometime a complete waste of time . hahaha.
selamat hari raya
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya
Saya selaku wakil pengail utik, ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin....
jika ada tersilap kata, teplanting batu time casting, te-cross line kamu, ter cabul2 time mengail, temakan dan teminum makanan kamu and membawa kamu mengail tapi nda belurih. moga2 harap di maafkan. bukan nya senghaja tapi sudah nasib.... :D
bah, hari raya jgn lupa datang rumah...
p/s: awal2 ku mbari tau ni... nada ampau ni ah... lol
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Kenali Ikan Kita
kalau kamu kan tahu cemana usul badukang, nah, liat tia banar2.
di negara ani, badukang di pandang rendah. seolah olah ianyanya adalah ikan yang sial, nda bisai, nda bagus, mengacau dan lain lain. banar pulang, badukang ani makan apa saja termasuk najis2 manusia. kalau kita imbas kembali, dorang ani memainkan peranan yg penting di ekosistem kitani, tanpa dorang, nda lagi ada sistem pembersih air sungai yang semula jadi. bisdorg ani patut di hormati. cuba kita lihat di bawah.

banar plg, basar wah utiknya.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Search For Utik at Tutong [28th Sept 2008]
only zazu and me went for the trip, lain2 yg nda dapat join atu dipahami. ada yang damam, ada yang sibuk shopping, ada yang nda bejuran LoL jk.. anyways, it was a spontaneous thing by Mr.Zazu, awal2 beceta sal tampat mengail sekali ia membgitau aku ia kan mengail di Tutong, so i thought he was planning for the near future and he said "bah, karang lah kesana mencuba". I'm like, "WHAT!!!!?", but anyways, i'm was up for it, nothing much to do anyways hehe
1st stop: Pekan Tutong [10pm - 2.30am]
2nd stop: Kuala Tutong [3.30am - 7am]
bait: prawn, mixed size
[Umpan dari Manggis PS: HYPER BANAR!]
Bedukang, Z's first catch after a long time
zazu's catch: lauk putih
here are some misc pictures i took at Kuala Tutong early in the morning
- bedukang @ Pekan Tutong
- lauk putih @ Kuala Tutong
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